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Tag Archives: Medical Supply

What to Remember in Taking Medications This Summer

With the summer season finally arriving, it’s a perfect time for families to participate in many outdoor activities and go on vacations in or out of the country! Unfortunately, vacations mean fewer visits to the retail and compounding pharmacy and … Continue reading

Providing Convenience to Your Pharmacy Needs

We believe convenience when it comes to getting the pharmacy needs of an individual shouldn’t have an additional fee. Here at Unite Pharmacy, we are proud to offer free prescription delivery services to our facility partners, customers, and every client, … Continue reading

Is Ordering Medicine Online Safe for Your Family?

In the age of digitalization, more and more services have been made available online — this includes ordering medications. But is ordering medicine online safe for your family? Furthermore, how can you guarantee that the store you’re buying form is … Continue reading

What to Know About Treating UTI

A urinary tract infection or UTI starts when harmful bacteria get into your bladder, kidneys, or other parts of your urinary tract. Common symptoms of UTI are experiencing a burning sensation when you pee, abdominal pains, and urgent need to … Continue reading